Menton Yacht Harbor 30F (90.9 x 72.7cm) Written by Yukichi Kamishita


This work depicts the enchanting landscape of Menton, France, in vibrant colors.

The screen is characterized by a cluster of brightly colored buildings, each with its own uniquely painted facade.

The sea is dotted with yachts and sailboats, projecting an overall calm and relaxed atmosphere.

This oil painting visually conveys the port town of Menton and the joys of life there, and invites the viewer to its bright place.

1934 Born in former Dalian City

1957 Studied at Osaka Shinsaibashi Western Painting Institute

1961 Kansai Niki Award Winner

1964 Travel to France

1965 Studied at the National Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris

1967 Grand Prix de la Seine Grand Prize winner

Received the Salon des Artistes Français Silver Award

Recommended as a member of Salon d'Automne

1970 Invited work to the International Figural Exhibition

1971 Winner of the Giro d'Art Prize at the Salon National des Beaux-Arts

1973 Becomes a member of the Salon National des Beaux-Arts

1977 Formed Wa-no-kai and exhibited at the Contemporary Art Exhibition

1982 Solo exhibition at Ginza Wako, Tokyo (also held in '83,'87,'90,'93,'96 )

1992 Solo exhibition at Matsuzakaya main store (also held in '94 )

Returned to Japan in 2004 and settled in Shodoshima