190Untitled 25×26cm by Hannelore Baron
“The background behind my creation of collages is my interest in contemporary social issues and the uncertainty of existence.
I take great care in gathering the materials I use for box construction and fabric collages. I use old fabrics and boxes because new materials lack the aged feel and feel dry and cold.
I create works for my own satisfaction.
It was a surprise and a coincidence for me that my work was exhibited and received by people. That's because I don't create my work with that in mind from the beginning. ”
From the words of Hannelore Baron
Born in Germany in 1926
1939: Illegally crosses the border into Luxembourg (to escape persecution from Nazi Germany)
1941 Moved to New York
1945 Graduated from Straubenmuller Textile High School in Manhattan (by the time he graduated, he had begun to create abstract paintings on his own)
Late 1950s - Started making first collages
1969 Solo exhibition at Ulster County Community College
1970s - Works receive critical acclaim and are exhibited in galleries and museums in the United States, Europe, and Japan.
1977: Began exhibiting at Catelyn Markel Gallery in New York.
1981 Solo exhibition at BrightKnow Members Gallery in Buffalo, New York
1982 Exhibition moved to Schleresinger Gallery in New York.
Solo exhibition held at Saarland Museum in Saarbrucken, West Germany
Died in 1987
1995 Retrospective exhibition held at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York
*Her works are in the collections of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the Art Institute of Chicago, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, and the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.